Friday, August 28, 2009

More Weekend Justice House - Welcome Doc, Hope you survive the Experience!

I know you folks have been wanting to see more of the Weekend Justice House, well here it is. We may have lost Scott C, wandering the vastness of Kim's Sim World but Kim has snagged some choice images. 

Kim has invited Sim Doc Ezra and his own bar to be part of the crazy Weekend Justice House. 

Pict. 1. Sim Widge welcomes Sim Doc.

Pict. 2. Doc and his bar.

Pict. 3. No flip flops on my feet.

Pict. 4. Why the Groucho Marx glasses and mustache, Sim Scott?

Pict. 5. I would need shoes to if I were in your situation, Sim Scott.

Pict. 6. Everyone needs sleep, even Sim Scott.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Weekend Justice House

As we have been chatting about the Weekend Justice House for sometime now on the Weekend Justice podcast, Kim has finally relented ( I have been pestering her since she mentioned she played the Sims) and passed on some screen shots. I am sharing them with you dear reader.  

Pict. 1. I must say Widge looks like Widge. 

Pict. 2. Ken Plume does not look happy at his Cheese computer. I know I would not be happy if I had that computer. It would melt here in Florida.

Pict. 3. Am I thinking of a quick get away from the police? Or as Kim had said I am contemplating a career in law enforcement? I had nothing to do with ScottC disappearance. I swear. 

Pict. 4. A nice shot of Kim and Tuffly enjoying a quiet moment amidst the chaos that is Weekend Justice House. And that is Kim's new hairstyle.

Okay, the tits are not bad. They are about a 30-32B.