Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Problem with Blogger

Blogger was not uploading any of the photos yesterday. And it seems that they are not loading today.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Spazhouse Research Library

So I am nearing completion to the Spazhouse Research Library. It it may be nothing like Jay Walker's library, which is amazing and I have thought using his library as a goal.

I may not have Sputnick, but I have some neat items in my library to be proud of. I continued a Steampunk influence for the Art Lab and Library.

I utilized a font from the HP Lovecraft Society for the Ex Libris stencil on the floors. It is called Roman Black.

Here are some various views of the Library. The metal sheeting on the walls is to cover the T1-11 paneling that the former owners put up. I hated the idea of ripping down the paneling because it is such a pain. I tried painting it, that worked for a bit and I stumbled on the idea to hang old offset aluminum printing plates. This reflects a lot of light were the light source is very minimal. The book cases I collected from various antique shops. For years I used the old stand by, milk crates, but they never achieve the look of a library, just someone who needs to flee with their stuff in the middle of the night.

More to come Blogger seems a bit sluggish

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold Today

Just to let you know that it is indeed a cold day.

That is all.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Book review on Fuel for the Boiler a Steampunk Cookbook

I have a book review on a very clever Steampunk Cookbook called the Fuel for the Boiler by Elizabeth Stockton.

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Weekend Justice Pod cast & And a short visit on The Unique Geek

Yours truly is on these podcasts for the week. If you scour in their archives I was also on the extended lengthy pre Halloween Pod cast.

I am also touting The Unique Geek Pod cast. I show up briefly due to a lull in combat in our Thursday D&D game.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Pumpkin's last journey

So Halloween is over. I saw this very distinguished pumpkin waiting transportation to take him on his last journey. Thanksgiving seems to be a side note when you see the mega-holiday of Christmas looming over our heads.