Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Wish -photo of the Day

So the end of 2009 is at hand. I spent the day arranging my my art lab for a New Year of Art experimentation. I am still looking for my own personal style. Maybe when I am 80. But right now I enjoy tinkering with graphics, drawing, and working on new Steampunk ideas. Hopefully with a more organized space (I forget which was more devious and clean space or messy) I will get even more projects completed. this is not a resolution as I do not believe im them.

The photo below I took while on holiday (the 4th of July) in Boston. That is the statue of Benefactor John Harvard. The shiney part of his shoe is from years of Freshmen who rub the toe for either good luck or a wish.

My New Year's magic is to grant anyone a mediocre wish retailing $1.00 plus your local tax when you rub the shoe in the picture. Happy New Year to all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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