So after days of ripping up linoleum and tar. I sanded. Since my kitchen is small I did not see the need to rent a sander. I own a belt sander and it woks well. As I have said earlier, I never remove anything while I am working. So wood dust went everywhere. I vacced and sanded in turns. I started with an 40 grit, to remove left over tar and paint. There was paint as well as linoleum. Then I went to an 80 then 120.
When it came to coating the floors I like Minwax Polycrylic waterbased poly. Clean up is a snap and you can apply a new coat in a number of hours. So I used a plan of coating the floor at night and then sand an re-apply the next evening.
There was some water damage, so there is some color change in the floor as well as some of the planks have some gouging near the sink. I think this adds character since now I am thinking to create a Steampunk inspired kitchen. Not necessarily gear and such but in color scheme. There was a BBC America show I enjoyed called House Invaders. The house would just add bits and pieces to revamp an area. In the previous images the cabinet doors are metallic green. This time I thought a gold copper mix would look nice. I like the over all green color on the walls and the Brown in the ceiling so I left that alone and just concentrated on painting the doors the cover to the water heater, shelves, clock, and fridge. I am overall happy with the results.
I did spend some money on a clean up helper. I asked a friend of mine if his daughter would like to make some money. My sister's family moved away so I had to look outside of the family for help.
Anferny, you dodged that bullet.
Anyway, since I neglected to move dinner wear out I spent a lot of time washing and Lizzie (The helper) dusted all the upstairs books and washed horizontal surfaces. Thanks Lizzie.
Anyway I will post other photos later that shows the full kitchen.