Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wasted Trip?

First off Best Buy's inventory system is terrible. Checked online to make sure they had the Bamboo stylus. Computer says 5 in stock.
Took a quick bus to Regency. Got to Best Buy and guess what? They don't have any. Well that was a wasted trip. Since this was to be a quick trip I had enough bus fare to and from. Did pick up food from Panera. Then back to the bus stop, where I miss placed my fare. I turned into one of the folks who fumble for change. Could not find my emergency $1.00. Crap!
So, I asked for a dollar from a nice guy.The one thing I do is that I carry an item for trade. AMC Free pop corn coupon, full packs of unopened gum, or small business card sized sketches. I gave a sketch to the guy who gave me a dollar.What a good Samaritan.

No item from Best Buy, but knowing there are good folk out there, priceless. Or worth a drawing.

Remember, always carry an item to trade in an emergency.

Words of advice from #HelpMeRox

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